The Acta Mathematica Nitriensia is a free electronic journal published by Department of Mathematics Faculty of Natural Sciences and Informatics Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra.

Papers & Abstracts

Acta Mathematica Nitriensia

Acta Mathematica Nitriensia
Vol. 6, No. 2, 2020


Miroslav Chválny:Matematické bohatstvo Fibonacciho čísel
Full paper(Mathematical Treasure of Fibonacci Numbers)
Lucia Rumanová:Bádateľská aktivita vo vyučovaní geometrie na základnej škole a postrehy učiteľov k danej aktivite
Full paper(Inquiry-based Activity in Geometry at Lower Secondary School and Teachers´ Opinions of the Activity)
Katarína Laššová:Výskyt osovej súmernosti v hudobnom prostredí
Full paper(Using of Axial Symmetry in the Musical Materials)