The Acta Mathematica Nitriensia is a free electronic journal published by Department of Mathematics Faculty of Natural Sciences and Informatics Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra.

Papers & Abstracts

Acta Mathematica Nitriensia

Acta Mathematica Nitriensia
Vol. 1, No. 1, 2015


Zuzana Vitézová, Zuzana Naštická:Deficiencies in Geometric Language Register and Knowledge of Pre-service Teachers for Primary Education
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Abstract: Children adopt the language register of their close relatives and of their teachers. In terms of mathematics education, the most important language and information input is exposed to children by their teachers at primary educational level. The submitted contribution aims to investigate the deficiencies in fundamental geometric knowledge of university students within Teacher Training Master Programme for Primary Education at Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovakia. The research was conducted in April, 2015, within a 90-minute long university seminar at the Department of Mathematics. Altogether 50 students of the master programme filled in a worksheet focused on selected fundamental geometric terms. The worksheet served as a warm-up and a follow-up activity for the main activity of the seminar when students constructed ‘skeleton' models of selected solid figures. The presented results are based on observation and content analysis of the worksheets.

Keywords: prism, pyramid, skeleton of a solid figure, errors

Classification: D60, D70

Pages: 168 – 175

DOI: 10.17846/AMN.2015.1.1.168-175

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