The Acta Mathematica Nitriensia is a free electronic journal published by Department of Mathematics Faculty of Natural Sciences and Informatics Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra.

Papers & Abstracts

Acta Mathematica Nitriensia

Acta Mathematica Nitriensia
Vol. 4, No. 1, 2018


Marek Varga:Aritmetický priemer a geometrický priemer II
Full paper(Arithmetic Mean and Geometric Mean II)

Abstract: In Mathematics we define several of kinds of the numerical means. Probably most known are the arithmetic mean and geometric mean. In last paper we proved the Cauchy´s inequality in different ways, especially by differential calculus. In this article we will add other ways.

Keywords: Cauchy´s inequality, mathematical induction

Classification: E55

Pages: 13 - 18

DOI: 10.17846/AMN.2018.4.1.13-18

Full paper