The Acta Mathematica Nitriensia is a free electronic journal published by Department of Mathematics Faculty of Natural Sciences and Informatics Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra.

Papers & Abstracts

Acta Mathematica Nitriensia

Acta Mathematica Nitriensia
Vol. 3, No. 2, 2017


Timotej Šumný:Krátky pohľad na historické riešenia starovekých geometrických úloh
Full paper(Brief Look at History of Solution of Geometric Problems of Antiquity)

Abstract: In history of Mathematics many examples and tasks have been occurred which motivate mathematician to progressive research and developing further mathematical branches. Through an analysis of literary sources published in the Czech and Slovak Republic over the past century this paper presents a brief look at this kind of tasks like are famous geometric problems of antiquity.

Keywords: Euclidean construction, angle trisection, circle squaring, cube duplication, constructible polygon

Classification: A20, A50

Pages: 32 – 37

DOI: 10.17846/AMN.2017.3.2.32-37

Full paper